December 2003
"The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favoured. The Lord is with you”
Luke 1:28
Christmas is approaching us
and in the meantime we hope that we are realizing the eternity of every moment
through consciousness. The white light, which is the colour of divinity and the
sun is the source of all and includes all that there is and also the colors of
the rainbow. All these colors are
present in an harmonious proportion in the white light, including the red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, and also rose, gold, etc…These
colors are also an expression of the music of God, which is divine love. Each individual should open himself to the
beauty and wonder of the colors and experience them.
New scientific discoveries
confirm that there are about 10 million different shades of colors perceptible
to man.
All these colors are
necessary for our evolution and expression and the colours around us have an
effect according to their quality and may help us to find the colors within.
But what is that decolours
or removes the colour of our lives? It is everything that retards or is against
the development of our souls. Here is the source of all sickness, physical,
emotional or mental.
Since ancient times, it has
been verified that the main weaknesses of man, mostly unknown to himself are:
lie, fear, vanity, greed and wrong use of sex. These mistakes may be well
perceived by others. These qualities are expressed in negative thoughts,
negative emotions, and tensions. One of these five errors, with a certain
proportion of the others usually controls the life of a man.
For a healthy woman or man
it should be the higher self who controls everything in her or him. Yet one has
the possibility to discover these mistakes, to observe them without being
identified with them, with the understanding that these qualities are not her
or his true self, who is perfect light.
One should make a resolution
not to express but to transform these errors. All these errors are held by the
illusion and egoism and when they are not nurtured, they will eventually die.
Then the divinity within or the Christ in us can be born, grow and express
The conscious visualization
of white light in our aura and of the colors of the rainbow, including all its
shades is a possibility that will help to regain the lost colors in our lives.
According to their constitution people should choose the colour that they need
most of all.
The colors have a physical,
emotional, and mental healing power, for instance:
red will lead people to action and practicability, orange will
give health, yellow will give joy and knowledge, green will
give rest and the ability to grow, blue will give peace
and harmony,
indigo will
give concentration and discipline, violet may attract true
spirituality, rose will help to love unconditionally, gold will
give wisdom, and the white light will
give the essence of all goodness. In this sense we wish you a colorful
Christmas and a fruitful practice. May the Christ be born within you.
Dear friends!
After seven years of very fruitful European International Meetings we
would like to invite you again to be with us in Austria and participate in
creating a positive and constructive attitude for a global spiritual
The theme of the meeting will be: Practicing
the christian principles of divine love and awareness in daily life.
Please prepare yourself for sharing your experiences concerning these
themes because these topics will be worked out mostly in workshops.
This international meeting of the Rosicrucian Fellowship will take place
at Kloster Pernegg in Austria from July 29th to August 1st 2004
(see contact address below for your inscriptions).
Please make the reservation for this
meeting as soon as possible to:
E-Mail: Homepage:
After you have made your
reservations please tell us of your coming, about your possible participation,
and about the language (s) that you speak. Please write to:
Or: PF 4-A-2231 Gänserndorf Austria
Excerpts from
“Healing and regeneration through color” page 37-39 by Corinne Heline:
The occult student should be
able to do much for himself through color visualization. “Bathing in color” is
not mere fancy, but fact. Regular periods of daily meditation in which the
affected organs are flooded with the color necessary for their re-invigoration will
be found to be most beneficial, both from a physical standpoint and in the
cultivation of powers of concentration and visualization.
The New Age preventive
against epidemics, which will replace the present barbaric custom of
vaccination, will be the scientific use of color. Each ductless gland, for
example, possesses what we may call a “color power” which is the energy
radiation visible to extended etheric vision. When properly focused this color
power will overcome and eradicate certain diseases caused by a lack of the
stimulus native to that color.
The color radiation of the
pineal gland is blue-lavender; the pituitary, electric blue; the thyroid
green-gold; the solar plexus, orange; the thymus, golden-pink; the adrenals,
bright purplish red.
Concentration upon the
specific color needed will stimulate the secretion of the gland corresponding
to the color, and the flow will aid those parts of the body affected. The
ductless glands being concretions of the eheric body, are particularly amenable
to the power of thought and color visualization.
All color treatments, when
used in conjunction with the harmonious aspects by transit of their
corresponding planets, will produce quicker and more lasting effects,
particularly if the individual horoscope is also taken into consideration.
Lunations and eclipses should always be consulted.
Excerpts from
“Message of the stars” page 64- 67 by Max Heindel:
F B I R T H – S T O N E S A N D
To forestall a question we may say that ancient astrologers who have
studied this aspect of the science have tabulated several hundred minerals of
which the planetary affinities had been noted, but these works have been
mutilated in the course of time, and are now not available. Paracelsus and also
Agrippa, made considerable study of this subject, and with very important
results; but its extensive consideration is outside the scope of this work, so
the authors will confine their remarks to the essentials, indicating the way
which others may pursue if they feel so inclined.
To illustrate how the mineral elements may be used to advantage let us
take the following example: Suppose that in a certain horoscope we find
Sagittarius rising with its lord Jupiter on the Ascendant. Jupiter is then the
ruling planet and so, according to our chart turquoise is the person's
birthstone, tin, the metal with which he has affinity, and blue, his colour.
That means that it will help him express himself if he wears turquoise, an
amulet of tin, and dresses in blue whenever consistent with custom.
That is true of a certain extent, but it is only a small part of the
truth, and it is by no means the best use that may be made of this knowledge.
To indicate the better way, let us suppose that this person's figure
shows severe afflictions by Mars and Saturn. Mars afflicts three planets; his
metal is iron, Venus is the opposite of Mars; her metal is copper, and
consequently copper is an antidote for the martial vibrations. Saturn afflicts one planet; his metal is
lead. Jupiter is his opposite and therefore the Jupiter metal, tin, is an
antidote for the Saturnian vibrations. With this in mind an amulet
may be compounded of tin and copper not exactly in the ratio of three to one,
but with a mind on the bulk of the various planets, their destiny and the
strength of the aspects it is desired to overcome, a matter which involves
further study. The work itself should be done under auspicious planetary
conditions. A Mars amulet, designed to give energy to one with a weak figure
would be most successful if made in a Mars-hour on a Tuesday when both the Sun
and Moon are in martial signs as happened in April and November. The same with
amulets made for other planets. (See the Tables of Planetary Hours, in our
Simplified Scientific Astrology.)
A gem or an amulet made on these principles is a focus of the stellar
rays of the planets it represents and infuses vibrations of their nature into
our auras all the while we are wearing it, just as surely as the wireless
receiver attuned to a certain pitch catches the waves within its range; and we
may blend the colors in the same manner to obtain help from them. As a matter
of fact, it is the complementary color which is seen in the desire world that
produces the effect of the physical colors.
If it is desired to restrain one whose Mars is too prominent, the gems,
colors and metals of Saturn will help, and such a person should have as little
to do with iron (tools, machinery, etc..) as possible, but if we want to help
someone who is moody and taciturn, we may use the gems, colors and metals of
Mars to advantage. In the final analysis the matter resolves itself into a
question of judgment and common sense. With these, the knowledge concerning the
essentials here given may be used by anyone to advantage.
The nativity of Iesus
the Christ:
And she brought forth her firstborn child in a cave,
and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, which was in
the cave; because there was no room for them in the inn. And behold it was
filled with many lights, bright as the
Sun in his glory…and the angel said unto them, fear not: for behold, I bring
you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people, for unto you is
born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ, the Holy one of
God. And this shall be a sign to you; ye shall find the babe wrapped in
swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of
the heavenly host praising God, and saying, glory to God in the highest, and on
earth peace toward men of goodwill.
The gospel of the holy
twelve. Translated from the original aramaic by Ouseley
If our love is noble, our medicine will bear fruit;
however, if our love is weak, it will be fruitless.
A drop of divine love is of more value than all the
gold of this world.
When we do with love and passion what we
have pondered about and learned, we are constructing a palace in silence, and
in the grounds around many trees and fruits will grow, which will be a delight
for all.
Aquarian art
Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary?
Who may live on your holy hill?
He whose walk is blameless
And who does what is righteous,
Who speaks the truth from his heart
And has no slander on his tongue,
Who does his neighbour no wrong
And cast no slur on his fellow man,
Who despises a vile man
But honours those who fear the Lord,
Who keeps his oath
Even when it hurts,
Who lends his money without usury
And does not accept a bribe against the innocent.
He who does these things will never be shaken.
Psalm 15
We would like to announce to you that the whole set of
the Newsletters are to be found in:
If you have an E-mail address please let us know, so
that we can send you the Newsletters there.
Our address for your suggestions/ articles
etc. is:
PF 4
2230 Gänserndorf
A Christmas Gift
Prayers of the Cosmos
Meditations on the Aramaic words of Jesus
The Rosicrucian Newsletters Archives
Rosicrucian Study Group Vienna, Austria
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Web Master