December 1998
We are associated with The
Rosicrucian Fellowship, Oceanside - California
And from his abundance, grace about
grace, have we all taken.
in this world we find polarities: sun- moon, man-women, active-passive,
positive-negative, give-receive, love-hatred, inhaling-exhaling,
body-spirit...and all of them in us, they make a wholeness and give us a
necessary impulse for development. That is also why we have a deep yearning for
oneness, and when we find that through the union of opposites we experience
timeless joy. We find also polarities in our relationships, even in our
partners, friends, co-workers, and in most of the cases, these opposites that
are „clear in others“ for us, are only our own shadow, and we don’t see it. How
can we see in others that what we don’t
have somehow in ourselves?
We also find resistance and oppositions, sometimes from our vicinity,
and sometimes even from our closest companions and friends. And behold what a
sorrow it is (also in time we learn to transform suffering through actual
awareness), but resistance is necessary in order that we may learn and have the opportunity to practice divine love.
Often, in a difficult relationship it helps a lot to try to understand
the other and feel like being in her or his skin; also to develop our
capacities of communication and of perceiving and hearing the other and
ourselves consciously and simultaneously and spend time and attention in
creating bonds of love. (We think, in our blindness, that we have these
capacities, but in reality we don’t: we have to acquire this qualities, we have
to learn to listen and to love). After trying for some time, also try to unveil
and verbalize the deep motives and fears of the persons in question, if it
doesn’t work, it is wise to retire and keep silence. After some little or long
time, you may try again. Remember: love is always giving and is the greatest
power that exists.
Christ in
us is an eternal fountain of divine love, so let’s try in this Christmas time
to work on ourselves and be conscious, and in this manner be able to accept
others as they are and ourselves as we are. But for the spiritual way, let us give our whole being in making the
necessary steps in the best possible direction according to our conscience.
Let’s avoid mechanicality and unconsciousness in our relationships to others
and ourselves, because both of them are main causes of degeneration and
destruction, but rather let us use our creativity and employ consciously our
words, thoughts, deeds, imagination and attention to create a new inner and
outer world.
International meeting of the Rosicrucian Fellowship in 37100 Avesa-37023
Grezzana, Verona, Italy at the University Centre COSTAGRANDE from Thursday
19th of August to Sunday 22th August 1999.
The theme is: How to conform ourselves to the annual cycle of the christic ray.
Please announce yourself for the meeting, if possible before Jannuary 31 (in
order to obtain a fixed price). Write to Gruppo studi rosacrociani di padova C.P. n. 948-
35100 Padova, Italia or c/o Luigi
Zampieri- via Segantini, 34-35134 Padova, Italia- Tel: (0039) 049616929
E-mail: diapason@intercity. it
* Reservation can be
made to „Iternational european meeting 1999“ by „Casa per ferie del Colegio Universitario“ Costagrande, Verona:
37023 Grezzana (VR) Tel: (0039) 045907656
Fax: (0039) 045907979
How do you get there: Highway A4 (Milano-Venezia)=Exit Verona Sud:
Follow road signs for
„Fiera“ till „Porta Nuova“ (a great
city gate); Before Porta Nuova turn left and follow road signs to „Borgo
Trento“ Hospital. Pass the Hospital, at the first traffic-lights turn left
and at the following crossroads (sign to Avesa) turn right; Past Avesa, go
ahead for abaut 5 Km. till the summit of the hill: at the Residence gate, ring
the bell. Go straight on for about 1 Km. inside the property.
Excerpts from Gleanings of a mystic, chapter XXll. The Newborn Christ by
Max Heindel:
inspired apostle gave us a wonderful definition of Deity when he said that „God
is Light“ and therefore „Light“ has been used to illustrate the nature of the
Divine in the Rosicrucian teachings, especially the mystery of the Trinity in
Unity. It’s clearly taught in the Holy Scriptures of all times that God is one
and indivisible. At the same time we find that as the one white light is
refracted into three primary colors,blue, yellow and red, so God appears in a
threefold role during manifestation by the exercise of the three divine
functions of creation, preservation an disolution.
This divine processes of creation
and birth, preservation and life, and dissolution, death and return to the
Author of our being we see everywhere about us, and we recognize the fact that
they are activities of the Triune God in manifestation. But have we ever
realized that in the spiritual world there are not definite events, no static
conditions; that the beginning and the end of all adventures of all ages are
present in the eternal “here“ and „now“? From the bosom of the Father there is
an everlasting outwelling of the essence of things and events, which enters the
realms of „time“ and „space“. There it gradually crystallizes and becomes
inert, necessitating dissolution that there may be room for other things and
other events.
And so it is in the very truest and
most literal sense a newborn Christ that we hail at each approaching
Yule-feast, and Christmas is the most vital annual event for all humanity
whether we realize it or not. It is not merely a commemoration of the birth of
our beloved Elder Brother, Jesus, but the advent of the rejuvenating love life
of our Heavenly Father, sent by Him to redeem the world from the wintry death
grip. Without this new infusion of divine life and energy we should soon perish
physically, and our orderly progress would be frustrated so far as our present
lines of development are concerned. This is a point we should endeavor to
realize thoroughly in order that we may learn to appreciate Christmas as keenly
as we should.
We can see the physical vehicles of
Jehovah circling as satellites around the various planets; we can also see the
sun, which is the visible vehicle of the Christ; but the Invisible Sun, which
is the vehicle of the Father and the source of all, appears to the greatest of
human seers only as a higher octave of the photosphere of the sun, a ring of
violet-blue luminosity behind the sun. But we do not need to
see; we can feel His love, and that feeling is never so great as at Christmas
time when he is giving us the greatest of all gifts, the Christ of the new
ancient history:
See in truth the beauty which I descry Veggono ‘l ver della
beltà ch‘ aspiro,
Or is it within myself, so that when I look upon it, O s‘ io l‘ ho dentro allor che, dov‘
io miro,
I see her face more beautiful than it is? Veggio più bello el
viso di costei.
You must know; you were wont to come with her Tu ‘l de‘ saper, po‘ che tu vien con
To disturb my peace and cause me anger; A torm‘ ogni mie pace, ond‘
io m‘ adiro;
Yet I would not wish to lose the slightest sigh, Nè vorre‘ manco un minimo sospiro,
Nor desire to escape that burning fire. Ne men ardente foco chiederei.
The beauty that you see is surely hers; La beità che tu vedi è
ben da quella;
But it grows as it rises to higher spheres Ma crescie poi ch‘ a
miglior loco sale,
And passes from mortal eyes into the soul. Se per gli occhi mortali all‘
alma corre
There it becomes divine, true and beautiful Quivi si fa divina, onesta e
As though to acquire immortality for itself: Com‘ a sè simil vuol cosa
It is this which reveals itself to you. Questa, e non
quella, a gli occhi tuo‘ precorre.
only the deeds of Truth. Because if you do these works you will know the hidden
- Fragment of the Papyrus Evangelium No. V.
We carry within us the wonders we seek without us.
Sir Thomas Browne.
Renouncing the honours at which the world aims, I desire
only to know the truth, and to live as well as I can, and, when I die, to die
as well as I can.
Song of Prudence
Not a move can a man or a woman make,
that affects him or her in a day, month, any part of the direct
or the hour of death,
But the same affects him or her onward afterward
Through the indirect lifetime.
The indirect is just as much as the direct,
The spirit receives from the body just as much as it gives to the body,
if not more.
occult sun in your hands
eternal yearning, intense
that it expresses itself in music
and at the end newly born in the moment
you rest in the waves
recognizing the essence
and that immortal face.
Our address for your suggestions/
articles etc. is:
PF 4
2230 Gänserndorf
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