March 2001
are associated with The Rosicrucian Fellowship, Oceanside - California
tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will
never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Hear us not when we ask Thee for honours,
endowments, money, or anything that has to do with the world; but why shouldst
Thou not hear us, Eternal Father, when we ask only for the honour of Thy Son,
when we would forfeit a thousand honours and a thousand lives for Thy sake? Not
for ourselves, Lord, for we do not deserve to be heard, but for the blood of
Thy son and for His merits.
It is clear that we need to labour hard and it
will be a great help to us if we have sublime thoughts so that we may strive to
make our actions sublime also.
Our primitive Rule tells us to pray without
ceasing. Provided we do this with all possible care because it is the most
important thing of all, we shall not fail to observe the fasts, disciplines and
periods of silence which the Order commands.
It is essential that we should understand how
important are these three things that I will explain. They help to preserve that
peace, both inward and outward, which the Lord so earnestly recommended to us.
One of these is love for each other; the second, detachment from all created
things; the third, true humility, which although I put it last, is the most
important of the three and embraces all the rest.
You already know that the first stone of the
spiritual foundation must be a good conscience and that you must make every
effort to free yourselves from even venial sins and follow the greatest
possible perfection.
Everything depends on our having true light to
keep the law of God perfectly.
Teresa of Avila
Rosicrucian international meeting takes place from August 2nd to
August 5th 2001 in Fatima, Portugal. The theme is: “The spiritual panacea for the XXI century”.
directly: Domus Pacis PO
Box 1 2495-438 Fatima Portugal
e-mail :
Fax: ++ 351 249 539 840 ++ 351 249 539 850
Phone:++ 351
249 539 800
more information you can visit the page
or manuel palmar phone: +
351 263 589 317
ferreira phone: + 351 249 847 090
announce yourself for the meeting as soon as possible, from April 1st
rooms also will be given to other groups.
Excerpts from The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception p. 434-
435, 463, The Web of Destiny p. 122-136 by Max Heindel:
The fundamental principle of building the vital
body is repetition. Repeated experiences work on it to create memory. The
Leaders of humanity, who desired to give us unconscious help by certain
exercises, instituted prayer as a means of bringing pure and lofty thoughts to
work on the vital body, and enjoined us to “pray without ceasing”.
Truly God is omniscient and requires no
reminder of our needs, but if we pray aright, we lift ourselves up to Him, thus
working upon and purifying our vital bodies. Christ gave to humanity a prayer
that is, like Himself, unique and all-embracing.
If, by continual prayer, we obtain forgiveness
for the injuries we have inflicted upon others and if we may all the
restitution possible, purify our vital bodies by forgiving those who have
wronged us, and eliminate all ill feeling, we save ourselves much post
mortem misery, besides preparing the way for Universal Brotherhood, which
is particularly dependent upon the victory of the vital body over the desire
…similarly, to perceive the Divine Light which
alone can illuminate our spiritual darkness, and to hear the voice of the
silence which alone can guide us, we must cultivate our spiritual eyes and
ears; and prayer, true scientific prayer, is one of the most powerful and
efficacious methods of finding favour before the face of our Father, and
receiving the immersion in spiritual light which alchemically transforms the
sinner to the saint and places around him the golden wedding garment of Light,
the luminous soul body.
But be not deceived, prayer alone will not do
this. Unless our whole life, waking and sleeping, is a prayer for illumination
and sanctification, our prayers will never penetrate to the Divine Presence and
bring down upon us a baptism of His power.
As the magnetic needle temporarily deflected
from the North by outside pressure instantly and eagerly returns to its natural
position when the pressure is removed, so we must cultivate that yearning for
our Father which will instantly turn our thoughts to Him when our work in the
world is done for the day and we are free to follow our own bent.
Every prayer, spoken or unspoken, every song of
praise, and every reading of parts of the scriptures which teach or exhort, if
done by a properly prepared reader who loves and lives what he reads, brings
down upon both the worshipper and the place of worship an outpouring of spirit.
Thus in time an invisible church is built around the physical structure which
in the case of a devout congregation becomes so beautiful that it transcends
all imagination and defies description.
The wings are two in number; Love and
Aspiration are their names, and the irresistible power which propels them
is intense earnestness. It has been said that we must not pray for temporal
things, and that we ought to be careful even in our prayers for spiritual
gifts; it is therefore a legitimate question: What then shall be the burden of
our invocation? And the answer is, generally, praise and adoration.
So it is also in the final climax when the soul
rests in God, all desires satisfied by that feeling of at-one-ment expressed in
the words of Christ, “My Father and I are One”. When that climax has been
reached the soul has tasted the quintessence of joy, and no matter how sordid
the world may seem or what dark fate it may have to face, the love of God which
passeth all understanding is a panacea for all.
It is a well known fact that nothing worth
while comes without effort. What man has done, man can do, and if we start to
cultivate the power of invocation along the scientific lines here laid down, we
shall in time reap results of which we little dream.
And may our Father in Heaven bless our every
Jakob Böhme was born in the year 1575 in a
village near Görlitz, and died in Silesia in 1624. He had but little schooling
and was apprenticed at an early age to a shoemaker. He later became a
journeyman shoemaker, married and had four children.
One day while tending his master’s shoe shop, a
mysterious stranger entered who, while he seemed to possess but little of this
world’s goods, appeared to be most wise and noble in spiritual attainment. The
stranger asked the price of a pair of shoes, but young Böhme did not dare to
name a figure, for fear that he would displease his master. The stranger
insisted and Böhme finally placed a valuation which he felt was all that his
master possibly could hope to secure for the shoes. The stranger immediately
bought them and departed. A short distance down the street the mysterious
stranger stopped and cried out in a loud voice, “Jakob, Jakob, come forth.” In
amazement and fright, Böhme ran out of the house. The strange man fixed his
eyes upon the youth – great eyes which sparkled and seemed filled with divine
light. He took the boys right hand and addressed him as follows: “Jakob, though
art little, but shalt be great, and become another Man, such a one as whom the
World shall wonder. Therefore be pious, fear God, and reverence His Word. Read
diligently the Holy Scriptures, wherein you have Comfort and Instruction. For
thou must endure much Misery and Poverty, and suffer Persecution, but be
courageous and persevere, for God loves, and is gracious to thee.”
Deeply impressed by the prediction, Böhme
became ever more intense in his search for truth. At last his labours were
rewarded. For seven days he remained in a mysterious condition during which
time the mysteries of the invisible world were revealed to him. It has been
said of Jakob Böhme that he revealed to all mankind the deepest secrets of
alchemy. He died surrounded by his family, his last words being “Now I go hence
into Paradise.”
-The Secret Teachings of All Ages,
Manly P. Hall
Please understand: The fire of light is a fire
of love, a longing for softness and richness in joy; and the fire of darkness
is a fire of fear and it suffers, is
hostile and in essence repulsive.
Jakob Böhme
Fine art is that in which the hand, the head,
and the heart of man go together.
John Ruskin
Silence is the perfectest herald of joy – I
were but little happy, if I could say how much!
William Shakespeare
are but parts of one stupendous whole,
body, Nature is, and God the soul;
changed through all, and yet in all the same,
in the earth, as in the ethereal frame,
in the sun, refreshes in the breeze,
in the stars, and blossoms in the trees,
through all life, extends through all extent,
undivided, operates unspent,
in our soul, informs our mortal part,
full, as perfect, in a hair as heart;
full, as perfect, in a vile Man that mourns,
the rapt Seraph that adores and burns;
him no high, no low, no great, no small;
fills, he bounds, connects, and equals all.
address for your suggestions/ articles etc. is:
PF 4
2230 Gänserndorf
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