March 1999
We are associated with The Rosicrucian Fellowship, Oceanside
- California
I am the door; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture.
When one comes to a
spiritual school, and if one really wants to learn and adjust the things that are not correct in ones own life
according to wisdom, then one should from the beginning try to take and accept
willingly all the tasks that one may be asked to do, or those which oneself
finds necessary, after analysing, and recognizing them with our whole being as
To carry out these
tasks and do them totally, without forgetting, in constant remembrance of your
decisions is the first step of responsability without which real life is not
possible. This responsability is one which grows from understanding. A general
understanding and an understanding of our condition in life and of the laws
which govern life.
In this way we can
exercise will and conscience, we can develop both of them by doing daily the
retrospection and morning concentration, and by trying to be present during the
day. It`s I who is looking, hearing, reading...It´s I who is thinking, feeling,
experiencing from moment to moment...
To see what we do, to
have a clear and impartial vision of our experiences ist not easy, but is of
great importance for all of us. Because we then may like a tree bring a lot of
We may learn to unite
our reason and feeling in approaching reality, we may transform ourselves or
learn to collect energies and use them properly, we may connect our capacities
in order to move consciously in one direction, but more than these, we may
learn to be masters of ourselves. To be masters of our actions, thougths,
emotions, bodies... and in time also to raise our vibrations to a higher sphere
of harmony and spiritual unconditional love.
* * *
International meeting
of the Rosicrucian Fellowship in 37100 Avesa-37023 Grezzana, Verona, Italy at
the University Centre COSTAGRANDE
from Thursday 19th of August to Sunday 22th August 1999.
theme is: How to conform ourselves to
the annual cycle of the christic ray.
announce yourself for the meeting, as
soon as possible (in order to obtain a fixed price). Write to Gruppo
studi rosacrociani di padova C.P. n. 948- 35100 Padova, Italia or c/o Luigi Zampieri- via Segantini, 34-35134
Padova, Italia- Tel: (0039) 049616929
diapason@intercity. it
* Reservation can be made to „International
european meeting 1999“ by „Casa per ferie
del Colegio Universitario“ Costagrande, Verona: 37023 Grezzana (VR) Tel:
(0039) 045907656 Fax: (0039) 045907979
How do you get there:
Highway A4
(Milano-Venezia)=Exit Verona Sud: Follow road signs for
till „Porta Nuova“ (a great city gate); Before Porta Nuova turn left and
follow road signs to „Borgo Trento“ Hospital. Pass the Hospital, at the
first traffic-lights turn left and at the following crossroads (sign to Avesa)
turn right; Past Avesa, go ahead for about 5 km till the summit of the hill: at
the Residence gate, ring the bell. Go straight on for about 1 km inside the
Excerpts from Letters
to Students No. 39: Where shall we seek
truth, and how shall we know it? by Max
In regard to the
first part of the question then, „Where shall we seek truth?“ There is only one
answer: within. It is absolutely a matter of moral development; and the promise
of Christ that if we live the life we shall know the doctrine is true in the
most literal sense. You will never find truth by studying my own or any other
books. So long as you run after outside teachers, myself or any one else, you
are simply wasting energy.
Books and teachers may arouse your interest,
and urge you to live the life, but only in so far as you make their precepts a
part of your inner self are you really seeking in the right direction. The
Elder Brother -whom I, perhaps mistakenly, speak of as Teacher- has never
taught me directly since the first short period when that which is embodied in
the Cosmo was given. And in the last year I have learned not to ask questions
for I have noticed that whenever I did so he simply gave me a hint as to how I,
myself, might obtain the desired information.
Now, instead of asking
questions, I ask for directions as to how I may solve a problem. So you see
that it is by using our own faculties, which may be compared to the talents
spoken of by Christ, that we got the information of most value to ourselves.
The second part of the
question, „How may we know the truth?“ is best answered by referring the
student to the evening exercise given in the lecture No. 11, Spiritual Sight
and Insight. It may be performed by any one regardless of whether he or she is
a probationer of the Rosicrucian Fellowship or not.
The teacher said at
the time of giving it that if it were possible to prevail upon the most
depraved person in the world to perform this exercise faithfully for six
months, he would be permanently reformed; and those who are faithful have found
that it sharpens all mental faculties, particularly the memory. Besides, by
this impartial judgement of oneself night after night, one learns to discern
truth from error in a degree not attainable in any other way.
Not all our students
may feel inclined to take up probationership, and we never urge any one to do
anything in the Western Wisdom School. But if you really want to know truth I
can honestly recommend this method. It develops an inner faculty and no matter
what statement is made to you, once you have developed this, you will know at
once whether it rings true or the reverse.
ancient history:
A long time ago a widower lived in a little city on the mountains, he had two sons. He liked sports and hunting. But one day, as he was hunting, he fell off his horse and hurt himself very much.
The comrades brought
him home with a carrier, where he lived the rest of his life as an incurable
invalid. He couldn`t walk anymore, not even get out of bed alone. He didn`t
complain and show himself as an example of virtue. The preacher said: To see
him was already a preaching.
Many years passed,
the sons grew up and were careful with their father. And it was difficult and
hard for them to leave him alone when they went to their work as merchants.
One day some friends
came and brought to him a beautiful young lady with a friendly and loving
heart. As she saw him confined to bed, she was full of sympathy and worry about
him, and she asked if she could come from time to time to see him in order to
bring happiness and cheerfulness to his loneliness and like a nurse to take
care of him.
And it happened. She
came and made the days of the old man less lonely and happier, cared for him,
in the way he needed and consoled and encouraged him until she was for him
indispensable. Because of this, the old man developed for her a lot of
thankfulness and also a romantic affection in his heart, because she was
lovely, friendly and beautiful. And also she gave him her heart out of
compassion and admiration for his patience and goodness.
When the two brothers
got to know what happened, they said: This will never go well! What does our
father imagine, when he in his years falls in love and behaves himself
unworthy? Besides this, what will the people speak?- they will also spread
outrageous rumors, because it ìs against the convention that an old man has a young and attractive
lady around him, who is all day long alone with him. But the worst of all is:
who knows if he leaves for her all his possesions or a part of it and in this
manner is our rightful inheritage taken away? We should end as soon as possible
this awful and dangerous situation. The two brothers made an agreement with each other and prohibited
the young lady to come into the house to see their father and gave the servants
the order that under no condition or circumstance she will be allowed to enter
the house.
In consequence the
life energies disappeared from the heart of the old man and his being was full
of sorrow, worry, and longing. Also out of disappointment about the stone like
hearts of his sons, he got a terrible sickness, suffered all kinds of torments
and pains and finally died and went to Elysium.
Only on the seashore
of dead was he allowed to see her owing to a friendly mediation and arrangement
of a good priest that reproached the hard hearts and behavior of his sons. In
this manner he could say farewell to his beloved and also die in peace.
But the hand of
destiny in the form of the law of cause and effect stroke the two sons and
separeted them from each other. The youngest went shortly afterwards to the sea
and was attacked and killed by sea robbers. The old one remained at home and
suffered due to the loss of his brother and lived in loneliness and sorrow,
because his brother was the only friend that he had.
not that we have little time, but it`s a lot of time that we do not use.
The spirit of democracy is not a mechanical thing to be
adjusted by abolitions of forms. It requires change of the heart.
Mahatma Gandhi
I feel prepared to flee along a new path, piercing ether`s
vast dominions. To other spheres of pure activity.
Aquarian art
Retire: but look into
your past impression!
And you will find,
though shuddering at the mirror
Of your own thoughts,
in all their self-confession,
The lurking bias, be
it truth or error,
To the unknown; a
secret prepossession,
To plunge with all
your fears – but where?
You know not,
And that`s the reason
why you do – or do not.
Lord Byron
are losing theirs and
blaming it on you.
If you can trust
yourself when all men doubt you,
but make allowance
for their doubting too;
If you can wait and
not be tired of waiting.
Or being lied about,
don`t deal in lies.
Or being hated, don`t
give way to hating.
And yet don`t look to
good, nor talk too wise.
If you can dream –
and not make dreams your master;
If you can think –
and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with
Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two
impostors just the same.
If you can make one
heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one
turn of pitch and toss,
And lose, and start
again at your beginnings
And never breathe a
word about your loss.
If you can fill the
unforgiving minute
With sixty
seconds`worth of distance run.
Rudyard Kipling
Our address for your suggestions/ articles etc. is:
PF 4
2230 Gänserndorf
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