March 1998
We are associated with The
Rosicrucian Fellowship, Oceanside - California
He who loves his brother, remains in
light, there is no stumble for him.
John´s letters 2,11
One aspect that helps to do the retrospeccion correctly is the active
capacity to be present every moment of our days, ( one can only remenber
according to the quality of our attention and consciousness), like William
Shakeaspeare said „ To be or not to be, that is the question“ that is one of
our permanent challenges in our life. This sentence in one of its
significations, indicates the
ableness to hear and look at the
things around us and in us with clearness, as they are. This implies a permanent conscious effort on our part
whithout which no real development is
possible. How deep is our awareness?
What are we aware of? How long are we able to maintain this awareness? These
are questions that may interest us, since the human brain is able through
conscious attention to expand, or if we wish to divide this attention to even
three or more subjects at a time.
It is necessary to perceive ourselves with all our functionings, in the
following centers: instictive, movement, sexual, emotional, mental (physical,
etheric, desire and mental bodies) and also to perceive the functionings of our
higher centers, what we call spirit. Transformation of energies, of negative emotions and refinement in
general are possible through active awareness.
To perceive ourselves in our environment impartially without
identification, without putting our attention exclusively and mechanically on
something or someone is a correct way to use our freedom and will. Love is not
possible without conscious attention of ourselves and of others. If you find
yourself wandering away from the present, and that is all what we have, come
back to your perception of yourself and your environment, without making a
problem about your absence and use the looking and hearing exercise constantly.
Keep the consciousness and feeling that it is you, who is looking, hearing and perceiving. With this
work your creativity and conscious soul will develop and you will be able to
live free here and now. I invite you to try permanently, so that your love to
yourself , others and to all will grow as well as your objectivity and silence.
* * *
International meeting of the Rosicrucian Fellowship in CH-7514 Sils
Maria, Engadin, Switzerland from Thursday 27th of August to Sunday 30th of August
The theme is: How do we build our
chain of body, soul and spirit to God
Please announce yourself for the meeting. Write to Annemarie Giovanoli
La Motta
CH-7514 Fex
or phone: Tel:
0041 (0)81 826 55 68
Fax: 0041 (0)81 826 52 94
Reservation can be made by „Hotel
Seraina“, Mainstrasse, CH-7514 Sils Maria,
Tel: 0041 (0)81 826 52 92
How do you get there: From Zurich
take a train to St.Moritz, change
over in Chur, take a bus from St.Moritz to Sils Maria. You step out of the bus just next door to the Hotel.
Please make your reservations for the seminar which is listed as Rosicrucian Fellowship Meeting.
* * *
Excerpts from The Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions & Answers,
Vol.1, No. 162. by Max Heindel:
...and prayer may be said to be the switch whereby we put ourselves in
touch with the divine light and life, allowing it to flow into us and
illuminate us for our spiritual uplifting.
... if our prayers are in conformity with the laws of God, the divine
purpose can manifest through us and our prayers are answered, but if we pray
contrary to the will of God, naturally, such a prayer would operate in a
similar manner to a glass switch in an electric circuit.
As a great nation sends its
ambassador and plenipotentiaries to other nations, so there are also
ambassadors from each one of the great Star Angels present upon our earth.
Their names are as follows:
Ithuriel is the ambassador from Uranus.
Cassiel is the ambassador from Saturn.
Zachariel is the ambassador from Jupiter.
Samael is the ambassador from Mars.
Anael is the ambassador from Venus.
Raphael is the ambassador from Mercury.
Michael is the ambassador from the Sun.
Gabriel is the ambassador from the Moon.
The moon is our satellite and is not in the same position as those of
the other planets. The ambassadors from those planets are Archangels, while
Gabriel is an Angel.
Ordinary humanity prays to God. These prayers are at the present time
mostly selfish and ignorant. The prayers of much people cannot receive
attention from the ambassadors who have charge over the different departments
of life, but are generally attended to, as far as may be, by the Invisible
Helpers who work for the upliftment of their brethren. The occult astrologer,
however, who knows what he wants and is able to work in harmony with the
stellar forces, addresses the ambassadors of the Star Angels directly and
obtains his desire more easily in that way. He studies the planetary hours when
those stars have rule and at that time proffers his request which is usually
for someone else, or for spiritual illumination concerning certain matters to
be used for the common good.
Excerpts from The Gospel of the Holy Twelve edited by
Ouseley. Chapter 57.8.
Jesus answered them and spoke: “Hear
this parable of the fish. The fish of one river talked with each other and
said: one affirms that our life comes from water, but we have never seen water,
we don´t know what it is. Then some of them
that were more clever than the others said: we have heard that in the
sea lives an intelligent and wise fish
that knows everything. Let´s go to him and ask him that he will show us the
water. So, some of them went this way, in search of the big and wise fish, and
they came finally to the ocean were the fish lived and asked him. After he
heard them, he told them: O you foolish
fish! Clever are you, the few who
search. You live and move in the water
and in water you have your being ; out of the water did you come and to the
water you return. You live in the water but you don´t know it. Equally you live
in God, and you request from me: show us God. God is in all things and all
things are in God.“
sound of hammer“ has familiar a ring to the Rosicrucians as it may have to the
Masons in building the vehicle of light needed to travel in the far foreign
countries of the spiritual worlds, and to work in the vineyard of the Christ.
first principle is the inner temple cannot be built with separatism, but
instead with the living ”philosopher’s stones“ of men and women, which will be
humanity’s heritage of the coming New Age. These stones are made from the
alchemical wedding of fire and water, the blending of the male and female
principles. This living stone, which is also called the diamond body of the
temple of God, is generated and raised to incandescence by high and noble
thought, by meditation on spiritual subjects, by unselfish altruism expressed
in daily life and by purifying the blood of passion. Max Heindel, messenger of
the Elder Brothers of the Rose Cross and author of the Rosicrucian
Cosmo-Conception, reminds us that when David desired to build a temple for the
Lord he was denied the privilege because he had been a man of war. Whether
separatism is an inner war with ourselves, the battle of the sexes or the
warring of states and nations, such an activity is in direct opposition to the
achievement and succesful building of the immaculate heart of the soft diamond
second principle is one that goes deep into the ancient Rosicrucian Philosophy.
The gold referred to is the ”golden wedding garment“ made by pure Living. It is
the alchemical wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz, the Thirteenth of the twelve
Elder Brothers of the Rose Cross.
Many New Agers think the
Rosicrucians in the Middle Ages had manifested external, physical gold, when it
was internal, spiritual gold. If the average man or woman today knew the value
of the miracle of building the diamond body, he or she would want that more
than gold. It has been their best kept secret, but now that we are approaching
the year 2000 and a new millenium, this inner process is no longer secret, but
open to all men and women who want to know.
third principle is that we are all ”temple builders“ working under direction of
God and his ministers, the divine Hierarchies. The Elder Brothers of the Rose
Cross represent one of the branches of mystery schools that compose these
divine Hierarchies who are guiding the evolution of humanity at this time.
These Hierarchies are emphasizing the ”New Age of Aquarius“ which, according to
the Rosicrucian Philosophy of the Elder Brothers, will not come for another 600
years. However, as we approach the year 2000 and the new millenium, we can
begin to feel the orb of the Aquarius New Age ray which calls to us to build
the spiritual temple, the diamond body. The mystic Masons and the Rosicrucians
are not only forging an inner temple of the diamond body, but they are building
the temple of humanity at large, so that the Christ Light can manifest
throughout the world, and that the goal of Brotherhood and Sisterhood be
realized ”without sound of hammer”.
diamond body of the temple of God by Susan Lee White, probationer
Thou , O God, dost sell unto us all good things, at the price of labor.
- Leonardo da Vinci
Happy the man and happy he alone who
can call today his own.
I´m glowing, radiating, intensified
light. I´m the radiance of the central sun. A living fountain of light. I´m
light´s fullest dimension. I´m the light of God´s full conscious presence. I´m
living ever free.
Aquarian art
Form in your mind an image
of situations others are in.
The image serves as antenna,
And sympathy will begin.
Form in your mind an image
Of any system or thing.
The image resonates
And understanding will bring.
Form in your mind an image
Of what you would like to do.
The image then serves as template
For making it come true.
Form in your mind an image
Of the ideal ultimate goal.
Cling to this image firmly.
It will draw upward your soul.
-Elsa Glover
Thou hearest the nightingale begin
the song of spring.
The lark sitting üpon his earthy
bed, just as the morn
Appears, listens silent; then springing from
the waving cornfield, loud
He leads the choir of day: trill,
trill, trill, trill,
Mounting upon the wings of light
into the great expanse,
Re-echoing against the lovely blue
and shining heavenly shell,
His little throat labours with
inspiration; every feather
On throat and breast and wings
vibrates with the effluence divine.
All nature listens silent to him,
and the awful sun
Stands still upon the mountain looking
on this little bird
With eyes of soft humility and
wonder, love and awe.
-William Blake
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