We are associated with The Rosicrucian Fellowship, Oceanside - California


 September 2004

„If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it.

 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”


                                                                                                                      1 Corinthians 12:26




                                                                                                                     July-August 2004

Dear Friends!


We are happy, that we are gathered together this afternoon for the purpose of learning to love and for learning to be conscious in the present.

Each of us is a musical instrument which needs to be tuned to a higher music. However, before that, some instruments have to be repaired,  and cleaned, etc. and only then will it be possible, when the instruments are in order, to tune them to a higher music and play together a beautiful, inspiring and spiritual music.

For this purpose we have taken from the christian esoteric knowledge, practical exercises, probably known to all of you, but very important for the development of man.

On the basis of free will, and according to your understanding, these exercises are to be done constantly during our meeting. We hope that you understand that without inner and outer work nothing is possible, whether individually nor as a group. So let us work with intensity.

The exercises are as follows:


1-     Retrospection: to be done every night.           (See books of Max Heindel)

2-     Morning exercise: to be done every morning.

3-     Praying and meditation: to be done in your private rooms or place at least once daily.

4-     Being conscious and feeling your whole body and environment at the same time, seeing, hearing.... with attention: to be done in the present, moment by moment.

5-     Being conscious and feeling your whole body and environment at the same time, seeing, hearing... with attention, but during inhalation repeat mentally, with deep concentration and lovingly the word Jesus and by exhalation the word Christ: to be done in the present, moment by moment. Only watch your breathing, do not force in any direction, allowing the natural flow of it, and observe that in this process the breathing will become naturally deeper and slower. 

6-     Being conscious and feeling your whole body and environment at the same time, seeing, hearing... with attention, but during inhalation and exhalation consciously and slowly repeat mentally, with deep concentration and with love the Lords Prayer and if you wish afterwards the Ave Maria alternatively:  to be done in the present, moment by moment.

7-     Do something good for others daily.

8-     Whenever you can, keep silence, this is especially indispensible in the place where we make the services. Speak only when it is necessary and when your words are more beautiful than silence.

9-     Relaxation is essential for the right practice of the exercises mentioned above, and for increasing your level of energy. Learn to relax your body by being aware of each part, beginning with your face and going slowly down to your feet, or the other way around. Go through your whole body  twice in a 5 or 10 minutes practice. In addition watch that your face, hands, etc. are relaxed during the day. You can also use Autogenic Training or Jacobson techniques for relaxation daily. Learn to relax emotionally by cultivating only positive emotions and not expressing and transforming the negative ones. And relax mentally by cultivating silence.


* You have to choose each day which exercise you want to do, number 4, 5 or 6, and also consider which exercise is possible for you to do in different situations.


The groups will have a particular program to accomplish, but they  are also thought of as a place in which an exchange of experiences, difficulties, questions, ... about these exercises are possible.


Finally we wish and hope that these exercises will be taken home with you and will also be practiced during the next international meetings independently of their themes, so that we may be able to build upon a real foundation and be a constructive factor for all with whom we meet.


May the roses bloom upon your cross

Study Group Vienna

Exerpts from statements about the international rosicrucian meeting in Austria-July 29th to August 1st 2004


The re-union at Kloster Pernegg was great. I enjoyed every bit of it. Peace be with all of us. Thank you. In Christian Fellowship,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Abraham Obeng – England


I would like to congratulate the Viennese Study Group for the organization of another successful Rosicrucian Meeting, and also all the participants at such beautiful and spiritual enriching event. The atmosphere was filled with love, which has been deeply etched within the hearts of everybody. Happiness and joy came from within and fellowship reigned supreme among all of us. The theme of this year’s meeting “Practicing the Christian principles of divine love and awareness in daily life”, was carefully chosen and obliged us to work within ourselves as we participate in the workshops.

This International Meeting in Austria showed us a new order of things, namely:

¨ the realization that we are a part of the International Association of Christian Mystics, that must remain free at large, so the highest spiritual growth and the longest life may be attained

¨ that it behooves the regular students all over the world and the probationers in particular, to rise above the present conditions, by working in ourselves first and foremost, in order to help building the Etheric Temple

¨ a successful life is a life of service to all, and in the measure that we live up to that standard, are we living a successful life (Max Heindel)

May the Christ be formed in all of us, Antonio Ferreira – Portugal


I feel in my heart all the gratitude for the opportunity I had to share with all of you the beautiful days in Pernegg… the spirit with which we closed together showed to us that it’s possible to create an Ecclesia whose purpose is to unite, instead of divide us. But the only way to carry it out is to build up the etheric Ecclesia, because any “thing” is just the opposite of the “spirit”, and casts a shadow to the light.

If we want that this tool – the lens – continue to be useful until we need it, I believe that the only things we can do at present are:

* To pray for Mt. Ecclesia , including it, in our healing prayers;

* To work disseminating the Teachings in our environments, not caring of other – not essential – matters;

* To concentrate ourselves on the International Association of Christian Mystics like the spiritual connection among all students and probationers in the world, and not on the present and past physical organization.

What I felt in Pernegg is the deep and sincere love we all have toward the Rosicrucian Teachings. May this love be always cultivated and grow within all of us, so giving us the enthusiasm in the work of spreading them; we’ll be then sure to build – all together – the etheric Temple in which we could find the unity and the way to help humanity, if we already sincerely aspire to it in our hearts, for an unclean vessel cannot contain pure and wholesome water nor can a spotted lens give a true picture”.

May the Roses bloom upon your Cross, Luigi Zampieri-Italy


It was a great pleasure to meet you again for this international meeting, and I feel a deep consolation as I note that the Rosicrucian Fellowship is still existing as an International Association of Christian Mystics. No word is strong enough at saying how I am glad to testify of this: the Rosicrucian Fellowship is alive, it grows, changes, suffers from childhood fever, learns, try, mislead and do again. But it is our task to create conditions for the out-coming of the teaching as we saw them alive at Pernegg meeting. : sharing love. It  could be efficient to collect every testimony about the meeting, translate and share with members and so prepare the next meeting in Swiss. Special thanks to Study Group Vienna. In fellowship. Jean Claude Verdin-France

We would like to announce to you that the next International Meeting of the Rosicrucian Fellowship will be held in Sils-Maria, Switzerland.



“Questions and Answers” No. 136 Vol. I , by Max Heindel:


What qualifications are necessary to become an Invisible Helper? Must the whole life be given over to spiritual endeavor?

 Answer: No, not at all; in fact, no one is justified in giving his whole life to spiritual endeavor unless he has first fulfilled whatever material obligations he may have to others. The duties in the family are means of being visible helpers, and the man or woman who shirks duty here can surely not be depended upon to fulfill the duties of an Invisible Helper on the other side. Therefore, a patient continuance in the performance of all our earthly duties to the very best of our ability is the first and most essential qualification of the aspirant. As a further qualification, we may mention self-control. While we are living and working on our dense bodies, the desire body is in a measure held in check by imprisonment in dense, physical matter. If we lose our temper here, the result may be dangerous to ourselves and to those around us, but it is not a circumstance to the peril attendant upon loss of temper in the other world, for our desire body, as we know, can wreck our physical body in a fit of temper so that it may sometimes be sick for weeks as a result of a few minutes' loss of temper. But when outside the dense body, if its force were directed against anyone else, it could instantly kill an army.

Knowledge is also requisite to the aspirant. Unless we have studied conditions after death and are familiar with the scheme of evolution, have a comprehensive idea of the constitution of man and similar subjects it is impossible for us to instruct those who are less informed, and to set us the tasks of an Invisible Helper and instructor would be analogous to sending an ignorant boor to teach school.

Last, but not least, the Invisible Helper must be imbued with an all embracing love of humanity. We cannot be callous to the sufferings of our fellow creatures here and at the same time be filled with love and a desire to help in the other world, any more than a man who does not know a note in earth life can become a proficient musician by the mere fact of dying, or acquire such a passion for music that he is anxious to spend eternity tooting in a horn or playing on a harp. Therefore, we reiterate that to become an Invisible Helper there, we must first qualify by helping here.



 Parable of the Talents:      


He also said: The kingdom of Heaven is as a man traveling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.

Then he that hat received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents. And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two. But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord’s money.

After a long time, the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoned with them. And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents; behold, I have gained beside them five talents more. His Lord said unto him, well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.

He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents; behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.  His Lord said into him, well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.

Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping whre thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed. And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth; lo; there thou hast that is thine.

His Lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, dost thou tell me that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed? Thou oughtest therefore to have put thy talent to use, with profit, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.

Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him who hath two talents. For unto every one that hath improved shall be given, and he shall have abundance, but from him that hath not improved, shall be taken away, even that he hath. And cast ye out the unprofitable servant into outer darkness, for that is the portion he hath chosen.



 The gospel of the holy twelve. Translated from the original aramaic by Ouseley




For never can true courage dwell with them, who, playing tricks with conscience, dare not look at their own vices.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge



An eternal now does always last.

Abraham Cowley



Silence should be always in us, which is open towards the eternity and hears.

Romano Guardini


Aquarian art


The gold of your intelligence

is scattered over many clippings and bits of wanting.

Bring them all together in one place.

How else can I stamp it?


Think how a great city concentrates around a point.

Damaskus or Samarkand .

Grain by grain, collect the pieces.


The Beloved then becomes food and water,

lamp and helper, dessert and wine.

Many-ness is confusion and intellectual talk.


Silence gives answers.

I know that, but my mouth keeps opening involuntarily

like a yawn or a sneeze.


                                                                               Jelaluddin Rumi


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If you have an E-mail address please let us know, so that we can send you the Newsletters there.

Our address for your suggestions/ articles etc. is:




PF 4

2230 Gänserndorf





Selected articles from The Rosicrucian Fellowship Magazine